Sunday, February 1, 2009

Feb 1st, 2009

Is it February already?? The past 2 weeks have been such a blur that when I woke up this morning I could hardly believe we have already entered month 2 of this new year.

I am at home with the kids this weekend, Doug is at Stanford for the weekend, this is how it will go the next few weeks or months, the trading game. For the most part I will be at the hospital during the week and Doug there on the weekends. Please pray for our marriage during this time, that we can still try and be the parents and team that we need to be. It will be a hard road, but we clearly know that this is our calling right now. Please pray for John(9) and Claire (7) as they deal with a "one" parent household in the following weeks, not only that but they miss and worry about their brother. Claire the most as she and Dave have always had a very special bond and she is not dealing with any of this very well.

Dave is doing ok, he is still on the IV drugs until early this next week. He was very tired all day on Saturday and then all Saturday night felt really "weird" is what he told Doug. His body just didn't feel right I guess all last night, so please continue to pray for his comfort.

Dr. Fowler has switched "teams" for the month of February and we will be introduced to a new Doctor tomorrow morning, please pray for wisdom from the Lord to be granted onto him that he will be able to make accurate decisions regarding David's health. We know that the Lord is leading us down this path for a reason, but not sure quite what!!

Several have asked if Dave is up to visitors, OF COURSE!! Just please advise if and when you want to come so we can arrange it that he is not bombarded at one time. He does tire easily (although he is hesitant to admit it) and it takes a lot out of him at times to talk and maintain.

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