David was super nauseous all last night and all morning, it finally settled down some around noon today. We are all thinking it is from all the medicines he is on and the anesthesia working out of his body. He had a rough time after the pump was put in so the docs and nurses were prepared a bit for it and had anti nausea meds standing by after surgery, so he should start feeling better soon. Needless to say he wasn't feeling as great as yesterday morning, but he says he can still really feel the difference in his body. We can't believe the color in his face and the dark circles under his eyes are finally starting to disappear. He is in ALOT of pain today so he was on pain killers most of the day and that kept him pretty loopy all day long.
The ICU surprised us by letting John and Claire go in and spend a good quantity of time with him today when they arrived. It was great, he was anxious to see them, and I for one wanted them to see that he was really all right. I know it was a big relief to them to see their brother happy and well again. Someday we will all be home again as a family and I know we are all looking forward to that.
Julie brought in the actual pump that was in David's heart today. She wanted him to see it and touch it, wow was that awesome. The little kids got to see it as well and she explained to them how it worked inside of him. We were able to take pictures of it, and as I look at the pictures I am totally amazed that I actually got to see the little device that kept our son alive for the last month. It was an awesome experience.
We hope tomorrow is a better day for him with his tummy, appetite, and pain. Each day will get better and he is on the home stretch. I reminded him of that today, he needs to stay focused on the end result because we are almost there! And yes I will continue this blog because I know that all of you have become very attached to it and David through it, and I love doing it so I will continue doing it.
David is still requesting no visitors but family at this time, he doesn't feel good and is in a lot of pain, plus we have to be VERY careful of outside visitors bringing in any types of bacteria or infection because right now his body doesn't have any immune system at all. So until further notice no visitors other then family, the hospital also requests this as well. We will let you know when that changes I promise.
I was actually expecting something smaller than that...it takes up a lot of David's hand! But to think that it made a life-and-death difference in a 6'3" young man...it is pretty small by comparison. Either way, it is awesome.