Monday, March 30, 2009

Not for the Weak Stomach

Doug took pictures of David's scars yesterday because David of course thinks that is amazing how much trauma his body has been through in the last 6 weeks. So here are the pictures, we have edited one of them so you can see what each "hole" was for.

You may need to click on the picture to see what the words say!

This is how long his scar is from where they inserted the pump in February.


  1. Wow, wow, wow! Nice battle wounds, David. We continue to pray for all of you...and praise God for what He has done. We love you. xoxo

  2. David, You are a very very strong young man. Please know our hearts and prayers go out for you everyday. I have my son, who is a Sailor also in Newport News following your brave battle. I am a mom of 4 and with out a doubt I know your mom feels the same way, If we could bear all this for you, any mom would. I don't hold any answers as to why thing happen or why they happen to certain people but I do trust that you must be a very very special man to have endured all of this. I hope you continue to get better each day. Not only because you are a Sailor but because for such a young man you have been through a lifetime, you are a personal hero. Please know when you are feeling a bit down that people who have never meet you but have read your story are pulling for you and that you are not ALONE!!!! GOD bless you and keep you near and dear!! The Case Family, Highland Indiana
