Thursday, December 24, 2009

Back at Stanford

For those of you who don't know....

On December 22nd at 4am David came into our bedroom and woke us up complaining of swelling and shortness of breath. Shortly after that he began vomiting and said he needed to go to the ER. Doug drove him to the nearest ER while I arranged things with the kids and my job. While at the ER in Stockton, Ca David was told he was in heart failure and Stanford sent a helicopter and life flighted him back.

We arrived shortly after the helicopter and Dave was in grave condition.The doctors told us he was in severe rejection and he needed to be repaired right away. They prepped him for a biopsy to see how bad the rejection was. While in the room Davids heart stopped and they brought him back fairly quickly. While in the biopsy room he coded during the procedure and the team of doctors did chest compressions for 63 minutes before deciding to put him on a heart and lung bypass machine.

He has currently been on the bypass and in a medically induced coma since Tuesday night at 9pm. Today we were told that his heart is too damaged to repair itself and retransplantation is the only option. They have relisted him at 1A severe status as of this morning. The chances are slim that he will live to receive a new heart as the doctors only want to keep the machine going for a total of 5 days, survival rate and other complications become worse after that point. Right now he does have brain function, and his other organs show no damage.

So our prayers are this, a new heart quickly, for him to be able to survive the surgery as he is so weak, and for him to recover after transplant, he is much weaker this time around.

At this time he is not awake and as I said before in a medically induced coma, for his own protection. Please pray for us, love us, and do not judge us. We love all of you, your continued support means so much to us.


  1. As you have seen before miracles can and do happen. I will pray for this as I know Sarah is right now at work. You guys have been amazing through all of this and I am so blessed to have been able to be with you and Doug and your family on Tuesday night.

    If anyone can pull through its David, and if anyone can find a heart its the Almighty himself!

  2. Judge you,really? As Christians we are called to hold each other accountable and yes judge...1Corinthians 5:12. So I stand up to say that I have witnessed a God fearing brother and sister in Christ cling to our gracious God as they have traveled the journey He has given them, all the while staying on the narrow path. I have seen them cling to hope only found in Christ when the world has given up. I have seen them trust their God and cling to each other as they watched their son's life hang by wires connected to a machine. I have witnessed a husband love and cover his wife and kids as the Lord has called him to do. And I have watched a mother cry out to her Savior on her son's behalf while sitting at his bedside watching his every breath and doing everything she can to encourage him to fight!
    So if you want to judge, feel free! Judge according to God's standard, as you stand in front of a mirror. Are Doug and Bronwyn perfect? No. Am I? Ae you? I think not. But we will be as we all desire to be more like Christ.
    Bronwyn and Doug, thank you for showing us what hope and trust in the Lord brings. Thank you for living life with us and taking us on this journey with you. Thank you for sharing your family with us good stuff and bad...
    May you have peace that surpasses all understanding and feel God's loving arms wrapped around you now and always.
    Blessed Christmas my friends...I love you.

  3. AMEN AMEN AMEN! You said it PERFECTLY, Donna! I love you all!
