Saturday, February 28, 2009

Struggles and Answered Prayers

Something that I have found really hard for me to deal with is that when I go home on the weekends I tend to be hypersensitive to the kids and their typical kid stuff. I know it is because a) I am gone from them all week and not around it as much and also b) my patience is just gone, all of my energy is used up and I am just spent. I feel so badly about the way I feel when I get home and so all week I have just been praying for the Lord to give me a gentle heart and loving hand with the little ones when they got here last night. I really didn't want to feel anything but love and happiness when around them. Oh we have such a gracious God, because that is just what I felt. They got here about 6:30 pm last night and I just swallowed them all up in hugs and love. We went out for a yummy dinner and then just had a fun family night with each other catching up on the week and I just loved every minute of it.

This morning while Doug was in the shower, little Claire crawled into bed with me and snuggled up to me and I was so grateful for this weekend and the joy I was feeling and how lucky I am that God does answer prayers. We are sitting here right now in the hotel room, Doug is at the hospital room with Dave (we are joining him after lunch) and there is nothing but peace in here right now. We have such a gracious Lord and I am so happy for that, he gives us what we need when we need it.

1 comment:

  1. Do you know that someday John and Claire are going to be old enough to understand how TRULY AMAZING you are! When they get older and ya'll talk about how you sat by David's side, they will be thanking the Lord for a mom like you!
    Rest when you can. Wrap yourselves in God's love and peace and remember he will not leave you or forsake you.
    I love you all tons... :-)
