Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 29th, 2009

Not much happening today, just a waiting day in most respects! He is hanging in there with this new IV drug and I suspect tomorrow is when they will start to make some other changes in his routine. We just hung out today, basic conversation, he played his game, I read my book, and we take turns making fun of the comings and goings around here:)


  1. Thanks so much for your daily updates on David. Please tell him the Gividens are praying for him! We love you David!

  2. Hi there, my name is Courtney Ashley, my husband worked with David on the Boxer, I just wanted to let you all know that we are praying for him.. Please let me know if you need anything! My personal e-mail is

    Courtney Ashley

  3. My husband is on the Boxer as well and I just wanted to say that my prayers are with you and David.


  4. I'm Hillary Drapak

    I'm on the Boxer and i work with Kennedy (David)... Every one is really pullin' for him. Tell him that there's a prayer in the night orders every night for him. Once i let everyone know i have access to this blog i'm sure he'll be getting alot more messages.
